School Anthem

Truly happy are we of St. Michael’s

Lively games, studying hard is our task,

Silence, discipline, order, obedience,

Of us youngsters our elders may ask. (2)

But of grace we shall get a full measure

If we prove to be dutiful boys,

Duty first, after duty comes pleasure,

First hard labour, then heavenly joys.

O! St. Michaels O! dear Alma Mater,

Our good fostering mother thou art.

Let our love now and always later,

Nay till death, be engraved in our heart.

O! St. Michaels O! dear Alma Mater,

Our good fostering mother thou art.

Let our love now and always later,

Nay till death, be engraved in our heart.

Updated on 22-01-03